Thursday, September 10, 2009


Apparently this is a drought year; it is hot here in karanambu and hasn't rained since Ive been here, and the river is already as low as it usually in a month's time or more. Not a morning person, I'm having to become one in order to get some things done in the coolest part of the day. Miss Diane is back now and we are all glad to see her! I did my laundry in the river (the staff girls would do it but I dont feel right making them do that for me, besides my undies are shameful so I prefer to keep them private) and Buddy the otter helped, grabbing the clothes and helping drag them down as I dunked them, thats what we call the Rupununi Rinse Cycle. I am bitten all over (by bugs) and have a horrific looking patch of sunburn on the back of my shoulder; I think it actually blistered but I can't see it very well. Buddy likes to be rolled and wrassled in the water, especially if you splash a lot and put your head in the water and blow bubbles. No discreet sitting on the bank stuff. When he is hunting fish underwater sometimes you can hear him start squalling in excitement under water as he catches something; it sounds like when you are a kid and you blow bubbles in your milk while humming.

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